Posts Tagged ‘attack’

Attack & Kill Progress Report

Monday, February 15th, 2010

We want you as our players to be as informed as possible of our progress with developing the new features, so we decided this morning to give you all a little update.

Kill and Attack have taken us slightly longer than we first anticipated, mainly because we have been very conscious of trying to make it the very best we can, which to us means also being innovative and new to this genre of game, so when they do get released you will have seen nothing like it! Because of that, unfortunately its taken a little longer than we hoped to develop the system, although we are now making very very good progress and hope to be ready to go live soon.

Please don’t forget we have your best interests at heart and are trying to develop the best game that we can so to make it more interesting for you all.

More information of an exact date will come soon.


Street Crime Staff

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