Important Announcement:- Turf Changes

Tonight at 18:00 game time some changes to the turf will be coming into effect. The biggest of which will be the changes to the maintenance system and how rent from your buildings is collected. We have changed the system so that all of your rent from your buildings must be collected whenever you are online from your turf manually.

Any rent left uncollected at your turf will become lootable by other players in an attack. You will no longer be required to maintain your buildings on a 24 hour basis, instead this evening we will introduce a new system which will throw random events at you the building owners, which will cause varying amounts of damage to your turf buildings. These random events will also have differing severities which will indicate the speed at which they will worsen, depending on the speed the event worsens the damage on your building will increase by 5% a time. The more damage your building has the less rent it will make and the more it will cost to repair. Being active and repairing your buildings when the events occur is the best technique.

The rent becomes available every hour on the hour as it was before there is no change here. We have also vamped up the page and added in some optimisation and upgrades in relative places. More will follow tonight at 18:00 game time.

Stay tuned.

dave (Author)
Lead Developer of Street Crime & Full time professional engineer, based in London. You can find him at his blog and on

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